Monday, July 12, 2010

BOD and AGB meeting at the Toronto Convention

Dear BOD Members,

For those who did not attended the Toronto Convention, I’m glad to inform you that the Convention was a grand success. Most of the attendees enjoyed the cultural, religious, health, and business forums. The Keynote speakers, Ramzan Darga and Ravi Reddy ,and Swamiji’s speech, were thought provoking. Other entertaining events such as the music, drama, the live painting, and the dance programs were appealing. The food was plenty and delicious. (see below the congrats letter sent to the Chair,Yuvaraj patil on7/7/10).

In the BOD meeting on Saturday morning:

There were a lot of discussions and many decisions. Shiva will send the minutes and highlights of the meeting.

I would like to briefly mention a few important topics that were discussed:

1. The payment of the annual central VSNA membership dues and the donation to the convention from each chapter. After discussion, it was decided that the small chapter (with a family 10-20) will pay 250 dollars, medium sized chapter (21-50 families) will pay 500 dollars, and large chapters (51 and above) will pay 750 dollars every year to VSNA as membership dues and donations toward the convention.

2. As you are aware, the award committee went through the nominations for the distinguished awards. Most of the nominees were excellent candidates; however, the committee has to select the superior candidate. The names of the selected candidates for each award were announced in the BOD meeting and approved by the BODs.( One or two nominations were incomplete, as the nominations were not sent in the prescribed form without a seconding member and the candidate’s brief resume was missing). Thank you for sending nominations.

The following is a list of the candidates selected for each award:

1. 2010 VSNA Professional Achivement Award: Dr. Shashi Kori

2. 2010 VSNA Outstanding Service Award: Mr. Prabhu Patil

3. 2010 VSNA_Women Award: Mrs. Komala Prabhakar

4. 2010 VSNA_Youth Award: No nominations received

5. 2010 VSNA_Scholarship: Following candidates were selected among the Limited nominations received.

a. Sarayu Kumar

b.Chandan Kittur

6. The past Chair of the convention, Bhavani Moodbagil

and past president Sundaresh Siddiah were given an award of appreciation for their hard work and dedication.

These candidates were honored by VSNA and blessed by swamiji Dr.Shivamurthy Muruga Sharanu during the awards ceremony, at the convention. Also Out going VSNA officers received the token of appreciation.

3. There was a brief discussion on donation from Dr.TR Shantha who wanted to send money to India through VSNA. Most of the members voted that the VSNA should go through with this transaction after obtaining an affidavit to the effect that the donation is from their own legal income and declare that VSNA is not liable for any litigation.

Following BOD session, there was a Think Tank session coordinated by Guruswamy Ayya. It was a Brain storm interactive session open to all attendees. At time it was tense and tough. Many youth participated in the interaction and exchanged their ideas. Guruswamy Ayya and Naga Manohar promised the youth more youth programs in the next convention and asked them to take a lead in conducting future conventions. When they expressed their disappointment that there are no representations in VSNA, I stepped forward and invited them to join the Youth leadership posts at central VSNA and youth secretary post at all local chapter level. In the Evening there was group meeting with youths arranged by Nag Manohar. Many youths boldly expressed their views on future VSNA. It was a frank discussion. Ultimately they promised to join central VSNA to mobilize Youth force all over USA and lead youth program in the upcoming convention. So, next day during my speech I announced the appointment of Prett Gowedr and Prashanth Uppin for the central VSNA and promised to appoint youth secretary from each Chapter.

So please identify one young member from your chapter and nominate him/her as youth secretary. Please send his /his name and email to us so that they will coordinate with our youth leaders ( and BOD youth coordinator). If you have young and energetic youth leader, Please send their names; they can join the present youth leaders team (at least I need 4-5 to operate at the central level).

From the Next host team New England Chapter Basavaraj Mudenur and Prashanth Uppin gave a beautiful presentation;They personally invited all Members to attend the Convention2011 at Boston.

At the Annual General Body Meeting on Sunday afternoon:

1. Members asked questions about the Newsletter. Fortunately our summer edition was out last week and one of our BOD members had a Hard Copy.

2. During the general body meeting the guidelines for the donors who wanted to send money to India through VSNA came up again. Most of the members opted that the VSNA members should deduct 5% donation or 250 dollars while the donor should sign an affidavit to the effect that the donation is from their own legal income and declare that VSNA is not liable for any litigation. There were limited paid members assembled in this meeting. Therefore, we should publish this motion from the general body meeting in our website and take the opinion of all VSNA members. Once that is done, the final verdict will be incorporated in the by-law. (I will forward an e mail from Vimala Siddalingaiah expressing her opinion on this issue).

3. In the general body meeting there was a discussion on the reallocation of the funds from the convention trust fund. I explained to the members that the recommendations made by the finance committee to reallocate funds will be implemented soon to procure a higher yield and growth.

4. Senior members especially Mr.Naga Manohar informed us that every year Central VSNA will make an earnest effort to get more contribution from the members to boost the value of the convention trust fund. The goal is to reach half a million so that the complete dividend from the trust fund will be given to the host chapter to conduct the convention. Please circulate this message to all your local chapter members and obtain a pledge to get the donation for the convention fund.

Thank you
With Sharanarthi ,
Dr.Nagabhushana Malakkla
President VSNA

Good job Toronto Convention team
Well done, Yuvaraj!
Good job Toronto Convention 2010 team!!
I admire the complete convention team in particular Yuvaraj Patil-Chair, Vijay Aivalli- co Chair, Jagadeesh Mandi-President Toronto Chapter, Komala Prabhakar, Desai, Shashi , Basavaraj Patil and ,Shankar for their wonderful work.
(The list is not complete;I am missing many names). I personally
appreciate their families for their time,dedication ,and hard work.
Also, I am grateful to all Donors who made this convention possible.
It was a successful convention when compared to initial hurdles you faced.
Yuvaraj, you silenced many critics who doubted your leadership qualities and capacity to run the convention.
Hope most of the Convention attendees stayed in the hotel and matched the contracted room occupancy.
Please update the list of attendees so that we can personally invite them for the next convention.

Now you can relax for a while; later you have to focus on bringing a beautiful souvenir and a DVD if possible.
(After that you have to close your convention account!).

Thank You
With Sharanarthi,
Dr. Nagabhushana
President VSNA

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